Fireplaces provide a home with a cozy, authentic blend. With summer approaching, homeowners in Plano, TX may not be making use of their fireplaces for some time. However, a fireplace is still part of your home’s look, whether in use or not. Thus, it still needs to look nice. An important part of a fireplace’s appearance is its hearth. But what hearth looks best? What hearth lasts the longest? Granite or slate? We’re glad you asked.
Granite Hearths vs. Slate Hearths
Both granite hearths and slate hearths can last for a very long time. Each is a natural stone that can withstand practically any impact. The difference is slate does have one standout weakness, while granite does not have any standout weaknesses. Slate is not scratch-resistant. It does not scratch easily, but it is prone to scratch if the wrong object comes in contact with it. Furthermore, everyday occurrences such as a pet stepping atop the surface could scratch slate.
Like slate, granite is heat-resistant; however, granite is also scratch-resistant. You won’t have to worry about wear and tear with granite. Ultimately, they’ll both last for many years. Homeowners just have to be more cautious with slate.
Maintaining each hearth material is along the same lines as longevity. If you do allow for your slate to get scratched then it’s unlikely you will be able to remove the scratches. Certainly, you’ve been in a situation where you just had to deal with an annoying scratch that just wouldn’t go away. On a car or a countertop, for example. You could find yourself in that situation with slate. Your options would likely be to let it be or have it replaced.
Other than that, both granite and slate are simple to clean and maintain. The typical wet rag will work to clean either surface. Just make sure your granite is completely dry once done cleaning. Reason being, granite is porous, so moisture can cause stains to granite if left alone or unsealed.
Finally, which hearth material looks the best? This one is going to come down to personal opinion. But, let us weigh in first. Slate is known to fit in nicely with older-styled homes. Homes that aren’t quite modernized. Slate offers more of a rustic, sleek appearance given its matte finish. Its black/dark grey appearance plays as a nice compliment to hardwood flooring.
Granite has taken storm as THE modern home upgrade. Whether it be for flooring, indoor countertops, outdoor countertops, or hearths, granite gives a home a modern look. Granite can be designed with countless designs. It offers more of a eye-catching quality than slate given its different grains of color.
In conclusion, granite hearths have more upside than slate. Granite hearths maintain their condition for longer, are more diverse and more versatile. With that said, it does come down to each individual home and each individual homeowner’s preference.
If you do choose granite for your fireplace hearth, Granite Artists is the way to go. We have plenty of different granite designs to choose from and our experts can execute perfect installation. Contact Granite Artists today! Also, please visit our blog for additional helpful information.